Find the right
plan for you
Standard Plan
Engage with customers and show ratings.
Profile page
Receive support
Use 2 TrustBox widgets
Invite customer reviews
Drive Google Seller Ratings
See basic performance reports
Best Plan
Showcase full reviews in your marketing.
Access add-on modules
Drive Google Seller Ratings
Learn from detailed analysis
Use 8 review TrustBox widgets
Gain access to marketing assets
Access to Customer Success team
Customize Standard with Add-Ons
Purchase powerful add-ons to serve your specific business needs.
Keep your review content fresh with unlimited automated review invitations
Make sure new prospects find fresh and trustworthy reviews about your business to support decision-making.
Turn more browsers into buyers through showcasing
Our full collection of TrustBox widgets allows you to showcase reviews across your website, email and digital marketing.
Strengthen your online presence
Curate your uBlist Company Profile Page through adding your brand logo and adding authentic content that will enhance your online reputation.
Frequently asked questions
How does uBlist work?
uBlist helps you to collect, manage and promote real customer reviews. You can get started absolutely free by signing up for uBlist Free, no credit card required. Or if the Free package does not meet your needs you can sign up for a Standard plan.
How long will I have access to my Free ublist account?
With the uBlist Free account you have 100 review invitations per month. When you exceed your 100 invites you will not be able to invite customers until the next month unless you sign up for the Standard plan. Otherwise, you will always have access to your account.
Are there any costs when I decide to set up my business to use uBlist?
No, there are no setup costs.
Do you provide training when I sign up for the Free account? What happens afterwards?
With the uBlist Free account, you can access the Support Center anytime you have any questions about setting up your account. If you need additional support, you can fill out this form. Or upgrade to the Standard plan for Chat and Call Back support.
Do I have to pay when I sign up for uBlist?
No, you do not have to pay anything when you sign up for a Free uBlist account online. The Free account enables you to claim your Company Profile Page, and gives you limited access to our tools that will help you get started with collecting reviews from your customers. When you are ready for more access, please contact your uBlist agent to upgrade your account.
How much does it cost to upgrade to a paid plan?
Our Standard Plan starts from $99 per month, with prices going up for each additional module added. We don’t display a comprehensive price list online as we look to create great value tailored packages around the specific needs of each customer, and the way that they want to use uBlist. For a quote, please contact our sales team.
How easy is it to integrate uBlist?
You don’t need to be a technical wizard to integrate uBlist. It’s as simple as copy and paste. We are happy to walk you through step by step and, if you need extra help, our Customer Success team will make sure you get uBlist up and running smoothly.
Is my data secure?
Yes, your data is 100% secure. Our software and infrastructure are regularly updated with the latest security patches. Our network is protected by an enterprise-class firewall, and all Trustpilot plans include SSL encryption to keep your data safe.
What happens to my company's reviews if I stop using your service?
Nothing, your reviews remain on your company profile page on Trustpilot. They are here to stay.
What payment methods do you support after I have selected a paid plan?
We accept wire transfer, PayPal and major international credit cards including Visa, Visa Electron, JCB, MasterCard and Maestro.
How long am I bound to a plan?
uBlist’s starting contract is 12 months, prepaid. We’re confident that you’ll see results.